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Business Analyst Questions asked in an interview

interview-reduced.jpgI was interviewing with a potential client for a contract and they asked me couple of multiple choice questions, which I had to answer while being interviewed. I thought sharing those interview questions would be something of interest to you and I would appreciate to know what your answer will be.

Q1- You are working on a client-driven project. You were told very specific operating guidelines up front, and the client has used these to critique you throughout the project. Nevertheless, your final output met or exceeded all client standards. After delivering the product, your supervisor says that the client is not happy because several standards were not met. None of these standards were communicated to you during the project. Because of the time and energy you invested, you are very upset. What would be the best response?

a- Phone the client to request a meeting to discuss their concerns.
b- Make copies of the initial project specifications sheet and send it to your supervisor.
c- Offer to make the changes to the product and explain to your supervisor what happened.
d- Document the initial project guidelines and the estimated time and cost to meet the client's surprise requests

Q2- You are in a project meeting with a client and two of your peers from other functional areas. You have been sent by your supervisor to represent the interests of your team in the discussion. During the meeting the client makes a request that you know would be difficult, if not impossible, for your team to meet. The best thing for you to do is:

a- tell the client that your team can meet his request.
b- tell the client that your team would be unable to meet such a request.
c- propose a more reasonable alternative that you are sure your team could handle.
d- delay your answer to the client until you can meet with key people from your team to determine if there is a way to meet the request.

Q3- You and your project team have been asked to generate a solution to a problem. The problem is not complicated, and you are sure you have determined a solution. Your supervisor has asked you to review the problem with your team and generate a solution at your next meeting. The most appropriate response is to:
a- wait until after your project team’s meeting to give the solution to your supervisor.
b- let the team know you have a possible solution but that you are first interested to hear what they think.
c- review the problem with the team and wait to see if the team members come to the same solution you have.
d- present the problem and your solution to the team and have the team attempt to generate a better solution.
Q4- Your project team has reached a point where a major output of your work needs to be shared with other key people within the organization. Your supervisor appoints you to act as a representative for the team along with a peer appointed from another functional area. Chris, a member of your project team, told your supervisor that he wanted the job. Chris also told some team members that he didn’t think you were the right person for the job. The best thing for you to do is to:
a- inform your supervisor of the situation and ask him to speak with Chris.
b- perform the job you were assigned and hope that Chris will eventually accept the situation.
c- tell Chris that your supervisor appointed you to the job and ask him to stop speaking badly about you to the team.
d- tell Chris that you are sorry that things did not work out as he had hoped and that you would appreciate his support to help assure success.
Q5- After brainstorming potential solutions to a problem, your project team has decided to implement a solution. However, one team member is clearly resistant to the team’s decision. Although the person is critical to the project’s success, any further delays might mean that critical deadlines are missed. The best action to take would be to:
a- move forward with the team’s proposed solution to the problem.
b- inform your supervisor of the project team’s dilemma and let him resolve the issue.
c- meet with the resistant team member to gain his support for the proposed solution.
d- explain to the person that the majority of the project team supports the proposed solution and that it is time to implement it to meet project deadlines.

Q6- You are on a project team that develops standards for other operating functions. Three months after developing a set of standards, you receive feedback from your internal customers that one of the standards cannot be met in real-world situations. What would be the best response?
a- Bring up the issue at your next team meeting.
b- Call an emergency team meeting to address the issue.
c- Respond by memo to the individuals who gave you feedback telling them that you will raise the issue at the next team meeting.
d- Circulate a memo to your fellow team members documenting the problem and asking them to formulate some options at the next meeting.

Q7- During a meeting, a colleague brings up a problem that has repeatedly come up in some of the most recent projects conducted by your department. However, because of other topics, there is no time in the meeting to discuss the problems further. Although you have not yet been involved in any of the projects mentioned, you may be working on another similar project shortly. What would be the most appropriate action in this situation?
a- Suggest some improvement ideas to the individuals working on the next similar project.
b- Contact the colleague with additional questions about details and possible reasons for the problem.
c- Approach your manager after the meeting to ask if she has ideas about the cause of the problem.
d- After the beginning of the new project, closely monitor any signs that the problem may be happening again.

Q8- A week after returning from a long holiday, you find that Tom, one of your team members, has been making many mistakes and has stopped communicating with the rest of the team. Many of the team members are personally concerned. What do you do?
a- Discuss the performance problems and your expectations with Tom; then ask if he has any concerns.
b- Remind Tom that the Employee Assistance Program is available to help him through any personal problems.
c- Ignore the lapse in performance because people go through high and low points and usually work through it on their own.
d- Express that you understand how holidays can be depressing and that you would like for him to try to concentrate on the work at hand.
Q9- It is the time of the year when the group must present proposals for capital improvement. You did the presentation last year for your group. It was a lot of work, but it went well and your group received 80% of your requests. This year, the task of making the presentation has fallen on the newest team leader, Sue. Sue seems uncomfortable with this assignment and asks for your input. What would be the best way to approach Sue?
a- Tell Sue that you can help put together the presentation if she would like.
b- Tell Sue that practicing the presentation will make her feel more comfortable.
c- Reassure Sue that the budget committee will surely be convinced of the group’s needs.
d- Make sure that Sue understands the importance of this presentation for the continuing performance of the group.
Q10- You have just received a report on the quality of your team’s work. Your team is well above the accepted standards for quality, however, some errors did occur. As you look closer at the information, you see that one team member, Rick, causes the majority of the quality problems. How do you approach this situation? a- Suggest to Rick that he sign up for additional training.
b- Delay action because you are not exceeding the number of allowed quality errors.
c- Discuss the situation with Rick and make arrangements to personally train him further.
d- Ask a high performing team member to watch Rick and help him when he makes a mistake.
Q11- Your team’s output is sent to another team as input for their system. As you are eating your lunch, you overhear the leader from the other team complaining about the quality of the work that your team has been sending to them. You are unaware of any quality problems resulting from your team’s work. What would you do in this situation?
a- Meet with the leader and inform him that your team is not responsible for the quality errors.
Go back to your team and observe them to make sure that they are completing their tasks correctly.
c- Approach the leader and ask him if you can meet with him to discuss and solve the quality problems.
d- Increase the quality standard of the work that your team produces so that the other leader does not have anything to complain about.
Please submit your answer to each question by clicking here  or copy and paste the following link to your browser

Once you answer this question we will email you the next question.

p.s. Those questions have also been posted on Linked in and Facebook.
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